Superprod Animation has appointed Jean-Pierre Morillon to strengthen its creative team. As Head of Story, Morillon will be in charge of leading the literary...
The 30th Cartoon Forum will be held in Toulouse, France from September 16-19. The European animation co-production event will provide a platform for 85...
The nominees for the 15th annual Prix Export (Export Prize), organized by TV France International, have been revealed. Covering three categories -- animation, documentary...
Fandom-focused video platform VRV (from Ellation) is welcoming premium subscription streaming service Boomerang as its newest channel partner, launching Tuesday, November 13.
The Boomerang VRV...
The 2017 CG update of Monchhichi from Paris-based Technicolor Animation Productions and TF1, in collaboration with Sekiguchi (Japan), will make its US premiere on...
Brand Licensing Europe takes place October 9-11, 2018 in London, UK. (
INK Group will showcase two major titles at stand E70: Zafari and Masha...
Sekiguchi (Japan) and Technicolor Animation Productions (France) have appointed several top-tier regional licensing agents for the new CG-animated series update of classic brand Monchhichi,...
The pre-Kidscreen chaos continues, and the TV animation business is abuzz with new project announcements, partnerships and sales. Here’s a quick study sheet to...
Technicolor has acquired French independent animation producer OuiDo Productions.
Headed by Sandrine Nguyen and Boris Hertzog, OuiDo Productions has produced such globally popular animation series...
In honor of the popular little monkey toy's 40th birthday, OuiDO! Productions has signed a co-production agreement with Japan's Sekiguchi to co-produce an all...
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