Netflix is joining forces with Academy Award-nominated animation studio Tonko House (The Dam Keeper, Moom, Pig: The Dam Keeper Poems), to bring an all-new...
Netflix has greenlit a new animated preschool series from Academy and Annie Award-nominated director, animator and illustrator Sanjay Patel (Sanjay’s Super Team). Titled Ghee...
Following the arrival of first-look images for Disney-Pixar’s upcoming original feature Onward, the first official teaser trailer has dropped. The spot takes viewers on...
Disney-Pixar has unveiled the first stills from upcoming everyday-life-meets-fantasy-world feature Onward. Directed by Dan Scanlon (Monsters University), the film features the voices of Chris...
Netflix is adding to its adult animation line-up with a 20-episode order for Inside Job, the first project from showrunner and executive producer Shion...
During its investor day on Thursday, The Walt Disney Company revealed the U.S. launch details for its Disney+ streaming service, and a programming lineup...
Pixar Animation Studios has revealed today four members of the voice cast for its upcoming original feature film Onward: Chris Pratt (Guardians of the...
Animation fans know Teddy Newton for his fantastic character design work on movies such as Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Toy Story 3, Smallfoot...
Emmy and Annie Award-nominated animation writer Shion Takeuchi, currently a staff writer on Netflix’s recently premiered Disenchantment, has signed a multi-year, overall deal with...
Pixar Animation’s Golden Globe Award-winning feature Coco is coming home next month, with Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment bringing the magic of Mexican traditions...
Pixar Animation Studios' magical, music-filled ode to Mexican traditions Coco was announced as the winner of the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture -...
As has become a proud annual tradition, Disney (and its assorted studio brands) spent the weekend laying down a veritable carpet of official announcements...
Filmmakers from Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios convened at D23 Expo 2017 on Friday, revealing new details about their upcoming movie slates and...
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