Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will host a virtual panel – an in-depth discussion amongst filmmakers and voice actors, including actor Joel McHale and Mortal...
VIZ Media, Netflix and Powerhouse Animation Studios announced that the anime-style series Seis Manos will launch globally on Netflix on Thursday, October 3. All...
Another energetic, pocky-fueled edition of Anime Expo has wrapped up in Los Angeles, with lots of exciting announcements for the fandom coming from all...
Continuing the momentum of globally launched series like Aggretsuko, Ultraman and 7SEEDS, Netflix returned to Anime Expo in Los Angeles this weekend to preview...
CONtv LIVE, presented by Verizon, will launch this weekend, bringing VIP subscribers access to a virtual front-row seat to Wizard World’s Chicago Comic Con....
House of Moves, an LA-based full-service motion-capture and key-frame animation company, announces a new,technology suite, codenamed "Helibug." The proprietary process "rethinks the production of...
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