The highly anticipated fifth and final season of DreamWorks Animation's critically acclaimed and Emmy, Critics' Choice and GLAAD Media Award-nominated Netflix original series She-Ra...
Executive produced by Noelle Stevenson, the fourth season of DreamWorks She-Ra and the Princesses of Power begins with the respective rises of Queen Glimmer...
DreamWorks Animation has announced that Jacob Tobia has joined the cast of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power for the highly anticipated fourth season....
Oscar-winner Geena Davis has joined the third season of DreamWorks’ GLAAD and Emmy-nominated Netflix original series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power in a recurring guest...
More fantastical, ‘80s-inspired adventure is coming to Netflix streaming this spring as DreamWorks Animation Television announced over social media Thursday that Season 2 of...
Four fantastic first-look images have been revealed by DreamWorks Animation Television and Netflix for the upcoming reboot She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, arriving...
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