Nickelodeon in India has debuted its first-ever co-production with Nickelodeon International, The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj, which premiered locally on October 15 and...
HBO Max will promote its Asian American and Pacific Islander Voices collection to celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, starting May 1 — amplifying AAPI stories...
DreamWorks Animation announced that a fourth season of the hit series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will return to Netflix on December 3. The news...
NewQuest Capital Partners has acquired a majority interest in Singapore and India-based animation studio Cosmos-Maya from Emerald Media. The terms of the deal were...
India and Singapore-based animation studio Cosmos-Maya has secured three key digital distribution deals which will bring its content to 120 platforms around the world,...
Bejuba! Entertainment has acquired global distribution rights for The Curious World of Linda, created by South Korean studios TakToon Enterprises for KBS, SK Broadband...
Rainbow Founder & CEO Iginio Straffi was honored Saturday with the Kids Trendsetter Award, presented at MIP Junior in recognition of the Italian hitmaker’s...
India- and Singapore-based animation production powerhouse Cosmos-Maya has announced its next international co-production project: A spin-off series based on the recently released 3D feature...
Indian animation content leader Cosmos-Maya has partnered with top South Asian OTT platform YuppTV, which offers live TV, catch-up TV and movies on-demand in...
Emerald Media (, a pan-Asia company backed by global investment firm KKR, has acquired a controlling stake in India-based Cosmos-Maya, market leader in IP-led...
Singapore- and Mumbai-based Cosmos-Maya continues to build in the success of its multiple animated series by growing its digital presence with its WowKidz platform....
Singapore- and Mumbai-based animation producer Cosmos-Maya has continued to grow with the launch earlier this year of digital video outlet WowKidz -- a new...
Asian studio Cosmos-Maya, based in Singapore and Mumbai, marks four years as the largest producer of original Indian animated content consistently over the past...
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