Muse Entertainment is expanding their family entertainment slate with an animated adaptation of bestselling author Robert Munsch’s children’s classic Moose! (Allez ouste, l’orignal!). The...
***This article originally ran in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
If you work in the animation content business, you’ll probably end...
France’s Superprod Animation and Spain’s kids production company Planeta Junior have announced a new partnership to distribute, license and produce premium kids and family programs worldwide.
The allience...
Wind Dancer Films, a Hollywood-based company behind many top TV sitcoms and box-office winners, is growing its kids’ entertainment footprint following the success of...
Several key broadcast partners have been secured for Superprod and Muse Entertainment’s animated preschool series Wubby School (52 x 11). Currently in production for...
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