The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences today announced the nominations for the 3rd Children's & Family Emmys, honoring the year's outstanding young audiences...
Like any live performance, professional wrestling is all about timing. With his new Adult Swim show, Invincible Fight Girl, creator Juston Gordon-Montgomery (DC Super...
At today’s Adult Swim - Defying Expectations Panel at Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Adult Swim announced the two brand-new animated series as well...
With several months of award-season hype and daily prognostication from experts, the actual arrival of the Annie Awards evening comes as a welcome event....
Today, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for the 51st Annie Awards -- celebrating the past year's achievements in animated storytelling and craft across movies, television, streaming and more....
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) today announced the nominations for the 2nd Annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards. In the...
Dwarf Animation Studio has announced a partnership with studio, a wholly owned subsidiary of the French national public television broadcaster, France Televisions, which...
They’re gifted, articulate and smart and their animation careers are on fire. Yes, we are talking about this year’s brilliant Rising Stars of Animation....
For those privileged enough to engage with the experience, parenthood exists as the ultimate portal for reconnecting with one’s inner child. The energetic duo...
This morning, Netflix unveiled its 2023 Kids & Family slate, providing new photos and release date confirmations for a number of exciting toon titles across...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
Among the many studios from around the world gathering in France...
On February 16, The Animation Guild is hosting a virtual conversation that will explore the contributions of Black animation pioneers in celebration of Black...
Netflix announced Thursday another exciting project in its ever-growing original animation lineup. My Dad the Bounty Hunter is a CGI series, created by Academy...
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