Viva Pictures announces its acquisition of Scarygirl, an animated feature film based on the widely celebrated graphic novel, toys and game brand. The quirky...
Like A Photon Creative (LAPC) in partnership with Screen Queensland has announced the voice cast of Combat Wombat: Back 2 Back. The tech-themed sequel...
Female-owned and operated New York prodco MIMO Studios and Like a Photon Creative, in partnership with Macmillan Publishers, announced today that production has begun...
Highly Spirited in partnership with Like A Photon Creative (LAPC) and Screen Queensland has announced the lineup of Aussia screen royalty set to star...
Odin’s Eye Entertainment has kicked off production on a new animated feature trilogy, Tales of Sanctuary City, from award-winning studio Like A Photon. The...
Sonar Entertainment is teaming up with Australian studio Like A Photon Creative to produce mixed-media preschool series Bear & Salmon (104 x 3 min.),...
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