In the early 2000s, screenwriter/director/producer Nancy Florence Savard founded 10th Ave Productions to create unique and inspiring animated projects for family audiences around the...
Quebec’s Corporation for the Development of Cultural Enterprises (SODEC) announces its support for Beluga Blues, the fifth animated feature from 10th Ave Productions. The...
The team at Quebec animation studio 10th Ave Productions is celebrating the U.S. digital release of its third feature film, The Yeti Adventures (a.k.a....
Quebec-based studio 10th Ave. Productions has begun work on its fourth animated feature. The new CG-animated feature is titled Felix and the Treasure of...
Your Animated AFM Screening Guide
More than 2,000 projects from 50 countries will be unveiled at this year’s edition of the American Film Market (November...
Canadian studio 10th Ave Productions has teamed up with Maggie Moreno Studios, scriptwriter Marie Beardmore, and David Wollos/ThinkTank Emporium for a new, unique animated...
The 3-D animated feature The Legend of Sarila succeeds in telling an original story featuring Canada's under-represented Inuit people and their culture.
It's not every...
This past week, representatives from 140 European and Canadian animation companies gathered in the capital city of Quebec for the third edition of Cartoon...
L.A.-based Cinema Management Group has sold its Canadian 3-D stereoscopic animated feature The Legend of Sarila to Russia’s Luxor, Germany’s Telepool and Israel’s 5...
Montreal-based Modus FX has announced work on Sarila, which the studio says is the first stereoscopic 3D animated feature film created in Canada.
Directed by...
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