With Thursday marking Anime Day 2021 (April 15), leading streamers of the beloved animated genre are planting bountiful spring crops of new dubbed and...
Fan-favorite anime platform Crunchyroll and premier anime/manga outlet VIZ Media have teamed up for an expansive distribution deal that will bring beloved VIZ titles...
Short Peace: Complete Collection
Sentai Film Works: $29.98, Blu-ray
Although Katsuhiro Otomo's reputation rests principally on his watershed cyberpunk feature Akira, his third anthology feature Short...
One of the most-acclaimed indie animated films of recent years gets the Criterion treatment this week with the release of Fantastic Mr. Fox: Criterion...
+ Oznoz, a new online channel for bilingual kids, is introducing Sesame Street content in six languages to its multi-platform service. Available through web...
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