Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have shone new light on the upcoming animated feature Orion and the Dark, debuting the official trailer and announcing the voice...
One of summer's most eagerly awaited animated theatrical launches, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, is heating up fan excitement with a spate of brand-new...
Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards 2023 was filled with logic-defying stunts, illusions and tricks, on Saturday, March 4, live from the Microsoft Theater. Hosted by...
Kate DiCamillo's double Newberry Award-winning story The Magician's Elephant is getting an enchanting animated feature treatment on Netflix next month, brought to life by...
This morning, Netflix unveiled its 2023 Kids & Family slate, providing new photos and release date confirmations for a number of exciting toon titles across...
Netflix announced today a new animated feature film currently in production, The Magician’s Elephant, based on two-time Newbery Award winner Kate DiCamillo’s novel of...
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