Skydance Animation has named Shane Prigmore to the newly created position of Senior Vice President of Development for Animation. An animation veteran of Walt...
Skydance Animation announced Wednesday that legendary composer Alan Menken, known for his award-winning work on animated favorites The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast,...
Skydance Media, the diversified global media company founded by CEO David Ellison in 2010, has acquired the animation unit of Madrid-based Ilion Studios, a...
Skydance Media is adding to its animated feature development slate, having snagged the rights to bestselling children’s book The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L....
Skydance Media has named Ian Sheppard as Senior Vice President Development for Animation and Lawrence Jonas as Executive in Charge of Animated Television, effective...
Having recently announced that Nathan Greno has been tapped to direct its upcoming animated feature Powerless, Skydance Media has now named several key additions...
Skydance Media announced Thursday that Nathan Greno is joining the company’s rapidly expanding animation studio under a multi-year deal. The director of Disney’s Tangled...
Disney is abandoning Gigantic, its upcoming feature adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk, according to The project, which was slated for a Thanksgiving...
Meg LeFauve -- the multi-award-winning writer of Inside Out -- will make her directorial debut with Disney Animation's Jack and the Beanstalk update Gigantic....
If you’ve missed Rapunzel, Flynn Rider and Maximus from Byron Howard and Nathan Greno’s Oscar-nominated 2010 feature Tangled, we have some great news for...
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