The trans-positive animated musical short Pacemaker is ready to strike a chord with online audiences, making its free digital debut on YouTube and Vimeo timed...
Organizers of the U.K.'s Manchester Animation Festival have announced the program for the ninth edition, taking place November 12-17. The lineup covers more than...
VIEW Conference has unveiled its official program for 2023, offering a packed line-up of keynotes, talks, presentations, workshops and masterclasses. The English-speaking event dedicated...
Nimona, Netflix’s acclaimed new movie about a rebellious, shapeshifting antihero and a gay knight has already won the hearts of numerous critics around the...
The seventh annual WIA World Summit at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival proved to be a resounding success last week. The day-long symposium...
A magical, mischievous new antihero is ready to win over streaming viewers this month in Nimona, the ND Stevenson webcomic adaptation rescued from the fall...
Rescued from the perilous halls of abandoned animation projects by those shining knights at Netflix, the queer-coded fantasy-adventure feature Nimona will ride onto the streaming...
Today, at the beginning of Pride month, WIA — the advocacy organization dedicated to advancing people of underrepresented gender identities, including women and gender...
Shapeshifters: They're just like us! In the new collage animation-inspired teaser for Netflix's Nimona, viewers are properly introduced to the on-screen version of ND Stevenson's...
Following its Academy Award win for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and acquisition of Animal Logic, Netflix reveals details for nine animated films to be released...
Riding a wave of animated success from its 2022 slate, Netflix is returning to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to debut exclusive looks at its...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
DNEG Animation was excited to give a 'proper hello' to the animation world at this week's 2022 Annecy Festival.
Previously considered a start-up housed within...
King Features Syndicate, home to some of the world’s most popular entertainment characters, today announced a new comics collection in development: The Animator’s Attic, celebrating...
Fantasy comics fanatics, rejoice! Netflix dropped the gauntlet today, declaring that an animated feature adaptation of Nimona is going ahead! The film is being...
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