Adult Swim announced that the much-anticipated Robot Chicken DC Comics Special will officially kick off the sixth season of the Emmy Award-winning series on...
Penguins of Magadascar, Nickelodeon’s CG-animated spinoff of its popular movie series has slowly been building up steam and picking up various awards since it...
Emmy-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris gets several more cool points next week when he guest stars on Cartoon Network’s hit series Adventure Time. The...
Peyo’s beloved little blue creatures come to CG life in Sony’s Smurfalicious 3-D hybrid extravaganza.
It’s been 53 years since Belgian artist Pierre “Peyo” Culliford came...
It's time to get Smurfy, as the little blue forest-dwellers take on the combo of Cowboys & Aliens at the box office.
Sony/Columbia's stereoscopic 3D...
A new trailer offers a more detailed look at Sony's upcoming animation/live-action adaptation of The Smurfs, including plot details explaining how the little blue...
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