Raphael Bob-Waksberg, who a decade ago delivered the game-changing series BoJack Horseman, is teaming up with Netflix and Michael Eisner's The Tornante Company and...
Netflix today unleashed a quite NSFW red band teaser for Zack Snyder's highly anticipated adult animated saga Twilight of the Gods, arriving covered in blood (and...
Isao Takahata's heart wrenching Grave of the Fireflies (1988) is the latest Studio Ghibli animated masterpiece to join Netflix's international library, The animated war...
Netflix today released the first teaser trailer for Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, offering a pulse-pounding preview of the adult animated series,...
Netflix has officially greenlit the Ghostbusters animated series it announced in development with Sony Pictures Animation in 2022, Variety reports based on its sources....
Netflix has revealed more information about the source of this week's flurry of leaks from its upcoming animation slate, which saw blurred and watermarked...
Episodes of multiple highly anticipated anime series have been leaked online through anonymous message board and content piracy websites, Anime News Network confirmed Tuesday....
Netflix announces that Ed Sheeran has written and recorded an original song for Locksmith Animation’s (Ron’s Gone Wrong) upcoming CG animated feature That Christmas....
Loveable comic-book scamp Mafalda is getting a new animated series adaptation, announced Monday as part of Netflix's "Made in Argentina" presentation. The project will...
Lakeshore Records (lakeshorerecords.com) is set to release Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie—Original Motion Picture Soundtrack digitally today, August 2, featuring sparkling songs and music celebrating...
Having just premiered Season 6 of its Emmy Award-winning animated fantasy-adventure The Dragon Prince on Netflix, Wonderstorm is expanding the franchise's transmedia footprint with The...
Prepare, puny humans: The main trailer for Terminator Zero has arrived, heralding the great war between mortal wetware and AI. Netflix will release the eight-episode adult...
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