AMC Network's Houston-based anime and Japanese film/TV streamer HIDIVE announced today that it has acquired exclusive rights to The Eminence in Shadow, the anime...
20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
In response to its rapidly expanding content slate, Ireland's Lighthouse Studios ( announces the promotion of long-time series director & showrunner Gilly Fogg to...
Today marks the launch of the first-ever Virtual Reality/360-degree interactive Google Doodle. The charming animated project Back to the Moon celebrates the magic...
The Manchester Animation Festival returns to the city's HOME venue for the third year in a row November 14-16, 2017, bringing a three-day celebration...
FMX 2017 Chooses Slogan "Beyond the Screen" and Selects 'Elemental' as Trailer
Check out the teaser for FMX "Beyond the Screen" (May 2-5, Stuttgart) which...
Organizers of the 17th VIEW Conference, taking place October 24-28 in Turin, Italy, have unveiled the full lineup of speakers, presentations, workshops and more....
Italy's largest computer graphics and digital media conference, VIEW, will take place in Turin October 24-28 this year. The 2016 edition promises the largest...
The Annecy International Animation Festival is welcoming some next-gen gate crashers at this year's edition, with three special virtual reality events schedule for the...
Not-for-profit creative platform ADCAN has launched its third annual ADCAN Awards -- a competition that seeks to champion unsigned creative talent, give emerging filmmakers...
Nexus announces that Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels, the directors of the multi-award-winning stop-motion short Oh Willy..., have signed on to the...
London-based animation studio Nexus as announced an exclusive partnership with multi-award winning toon producers Claire Jennings, Christopher O’Reilly and Charlotte Bavasso to develop and...
French animation studio Planet Nemo has sealed a few sales deals for its upcoming animated/live-action mix-media series Groove High. The 26 x 30 hybrid...
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