Three familiar fairy tale princesses find themselves engaged to the same prince in the CG-animated feature Charming, which was directed by Ross Venokur (Game...
May is shaping up to be a splendid month for action-packed, rib-tickling animation on Disney Channel. Endcapped by new episodes of Muppet Babies, Milo...
The fourth and final season of Daron Nefcy’s Emmy Award-nominated animated series Star vs. The Forces of Evil will debut with two back-to-back episodes...
Newly minted LA-based distributor Smith Global Media is continuing its aggressive release slate build-up by picking up animated family features Gnome Alone and Charming....
Everyone's favorite dimension-hopping princess will star in an all-new two-hour TV movie special, as Star vs. The Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni...
The Annie Award-nominated series Star vs. The Forces of Evil will return with even more interdimensional, magical mayhem as season two premieres Monday, July...
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