Charles Addams’ delightfully deviant characters make their big-screen animation debut in MGM’s The Addams Family, directed by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan. In the...
Netflix has signed Brutus Pink, the newly formed animation production company from Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett -- the creative...
Heartwarming, gut-busting animated family blockbuster The Secret Life of Pets 2 is ready to be adopted on disc and digital this summer, through Universal...
***This article originally appeared in the June/July ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
Five years ago, the team at Illumination Entertainment, led by producers...
Universal Pictures has shifted release dates for two highly anticipated sequels from its powerhouse animation studios. Sing 2 from Illumination Entertainment has been pushed...
Lakeshore Records to Release ‘The Dragon Prince Series 1 & 2’ OSTs
Both season soundtracks to Wonderstorm’s hit Netflix original animated series, featuring original music...
Canadian-American comedy legends Martin Short and Catherine O’Hara have signed on to MGM’s upcoming fully-animated The Addams Family feature. The much-lauded actors, who have...
The first official trailer for Universal Pictures/Illumination Entertainment’s The Secret Life of Pets 2, dubbed the “Max Trailer,” follows the canine star on a...
Creative Arts Emmy Awards Presenters Announced
Saturday, Sept. 8 will see Giancarlo Esposito (Better Call Saul), Neil Patrick Harris (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Jane...
Prepare for even more awkward adventures through the turbulent seas of puberty as season 2 of critically acclaimed adult animated comedy Big Mouth heads...
SAG-AFTRA members voted overwhelmingly in favor of a TV Animation strike authorization, with the guild announcing Wednesday night that the ballots came to 98.27%...
Actors union SAG-AFTRA is considering a strike involving actors who work in animation over refusal of employers to provide scale wages or residuals for...
They might not normally be very creepy or kooky, but the just-announced star-studded voice cast for Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures’ animated feature The Addams...
In an announcement video published Tuesday, Netflix has forewarned viewers that a second season of raunchy animated puberty comedy Big Mouth will be sprung...
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