Ordinary kids embark on extraordinary situations in the original animated series Star Trek: Prodigy, making its weekly debut on Nickelodeon beginning Friday, July 8...
Ollie, his two best friends and an otherworldly backpack embark on monstrous adventures with the premiere of Nickelodeon's original action-comedy series Ollie's Pack, on...
Life is more exciting, fun and unpredictable with a pony, as viewers will discover Nickelodeon’s brand-new original animated series It’s Pony, premiering Saturday, January...
Universal Brand Development, the LEGO Group and Nickelodeon have announced the all-new animated mini-series LEGO Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar, premiering Saturday, Sept....
A whimsical new animated series is ready to enchant Nickelodeon viewers as Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, created and produced by Funrise, is set to...
Nickelodeon has officially greenlit 20 episodes of animated series Los Casagrandes (working title), a spinoff of toon hit The Loud House. The new show...
Nickelodeon Animation Studio’s Harvey Beaks will get hopping with all-new adventures as season two continues Wednesday, March 1 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Nicktoons...
We are just ferociously delighted to share with our readers that Nickelodeon’s spankin’ new, original animated series Bunsen Is a Beast will debut on...
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