Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between Marty Adelstein and ITV Studios, has finalized a joint venture with Emmy Award-winning animation television veteran Nick Weidenfeld to...
HBO Max, the direct-to-consumer offering from WarnerMedia, announced a greenlight order for adult animated series 10-Year-Old-Tom. Critically acclaimed creator, producer and writer Steve Dildarian...
SYFY announced new original projects for its late-night adult animation block, TZGZ, including a new original animated series and three original pilots. Airing every...
Hulu is looking to step up its adult-targeted toon offerings, having signed a first-look deal with Nick Weidenfeld, to develop and executive produce new...
Netflix has dropped the trailer for its East-meets-West original animated series Neo Yokio -- launching exclusively on the streaming platform on September 22. The...
A new half-hour animated comedy based on the quarter-hour Golan the Insatiable installments on Animation Domination High-Def will premiere on Fox on Sunday, May...
Fox TV's Saturday late-night animation block, Animation Domination High-Def, is coming back with all-new episodes of Axe Cop and High School USA! On Saturday,...
Twentieth Century Fox TV’s head of animation Jennifer Howell is leaving the studio to pursue other ventures, says Howell, whose contract ends in...
Fox has given the go-ahead to an animated series version of Axe Cop, the comic-book franchise created by seven-year-old Malachai Nicolle and his older...
Animated People
Dino Stamatopoulos,
Creator Moral Orel, Mary Shelley’s Frankenhole
We couldn’t resist the chance to catch up with the talented and always-quotable Dino Stamatopoulos on the...
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