DreamWorks Animation announced the hiring of longtime Nickelodeon Marjorie Cohn as head of its TV division. The 26-year Nick veteran will oversee the development...
Warner Bros. Animation and DC Ent.'s new original movie Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox is one of this week's much-anticipated titles, which arrives on...
Nick has kindly given us a first-look peek at this Saturday's new Sanjay and Craig episode, which is titled "Stinkboy/Wolfie." The show, which starts...
France Televisions underscored its dedication to creating new animation at its annual news conference at the Annecy International Film Festival.
The public broadcaster spent last...
Nickelodeon has launched a global animated shorts program to identify and develop new animation creative talent from around the world, receiving more than 100...
Nickelodeon has announced the 12 winners of its second annual Animated Shorts Program, which is designed to identify and develop original comedy-driven content for...
The list of Daytime Emmy nominations were announced earlier this morning (Wednesday, May 1). Nickelodeon was the clear leader in the Children's Animated Program...
Emmy-winning animation veterans Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle spill the beans on their eagerly awaited Nickelodeon show, which is based on DreamWorks’ Monsters vs....
Calling all starving artists: Nickelodeon will be hosting its munch-and-mingle Doodles and Noodles event in NYC next Wednesday, April 3. Artists and illustrators 18...
Nickelodeon and kids’ consumer products developer Fuhu Inc. have announced a multi-year deal that will see Fuhu produce and distribute Nickelodeon-themed table accessories and nabi...
Nickelodeon has officially picked up a third season of its hit animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The announcement was made at the cabler’s...
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