Continuing its winning streak after taking the Golden Globe Award a week ago, Steven Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin took home the Producers Guild...
Penguins of Magadascar, Nickelodeon’s CG-animated spinoff of its popular movie series has slowly been building up steam and picking up various awards since it...
Director Ben Stassen’s 2010 CG-animated feature A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures arrives in the U.S. on DVD this week. The Studio Canal movie, which...
Animated People: Joe Murray
Creator of Rocko’s Modern Life, Camp Lazlo
We recently had the chance to catch up with Joe Murray, the brilliant creator and...
Oktober Animation, a new studio created and launched by Omnilab Media, Oktober and Backyard Animated Pictures, has opened its doors in Auckland, New Zealand.
Nickelodeon U.K. has acquired Olive the Ostrich, a multiplatform series from Blue-Zoo that includes a short-form animated series for preschoolers.
According to a report in...
Nickelodeon has ordered a second season of the preschooler animated series Olivia from Chorion.
Based on the book series by Ian Falconer, the second season...
Nickelodeon, Chorion and Frederick Warne & Co. will develop and produce a new animated series based on the classic children’s books of Beatrix Potter.
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