The International Animation Film Market (Mifa), held each year as the business side of the esteemed Annecy Festival for animated film, has announced the...
GKIDS has announced that Ride Your Wave, the deeply emotional new animated feature from visionary director Masaaki Yuasa (Night Is Short, Walk on Girl,...
Anime distributor ELEVEN ARTS has released its English-subtitled official U.S. trailer for Japan Academy Prize-nominated feature Penguin Highway, revealing that screenings in select Stateside...
GKIDS and Fathom Events announce the US debut of Mirai -- the latest animated feature from celebrated, 10-time Tokyo Anime Award-winning director Mamoru Hosoda...
Regina Hicks Inks Overall Deal with 20th Century Fox TV, Joins ‘Central Park’ Apple Animated Series as Co-Showrunner
Under her two-year deal, the comedy writer-producer...
Hayao Miyazaki’s ‘Porco Rosso’ Soars to US Theaters
The 1992 Studio Ghibli adventure about a world-weary flying ace turned bounty hunter magically transformed into a...
The 2018 edition of ANIMA - The Brussels Animation Film Festival is just around the corner, with the full program release revealing screening highlights...
Fans of envelope-pushing anime will be excited to hear that indie distributor GKIDS has snagged North American rights for three feature films from acclaimed...
The acclaimed eclectic Japanese animated feature Mind Game (2004), from award-winning directors Masaaki Yuasa (Lu Over the Wall, Night Is Short Walk on Girl)...
The 2017 Ottawa International Animation Festival wrapped this weekend with the announcement of this year's Official Competition winners. This year's festival received 1,992 entries,...
Two highly original, new films by Japanese auteur Masaaki Yuasa will be showcased at this year’s Ottawa International Animation Festival.
Over the past 10 years,...
Montreal’s Fantasia Film Festival ( wrapped up its three-week event on Wednesday, toasting its 21st and most successful edition ever with nearly 100,000 attendees...
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