Disney's acclaimed animated feature Encanto, directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush (Zootopia) and co-directed by Charise Castro Smith (who also wrote the script...
Today, the Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry’s professional global honorary society, named acclaimed director-producer-screenwriter Guillermo del Toro as the forthcoming recipient of the...
Today, the Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry’s professional global honorary society, announced the nominees for the 20th Annual VES Awards, the prestigious yearly...
***This article was written for the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 317)***
Nightmare Alley is a departure of sorts for fantasy-horror master Guillermo...
The Critics Choice Association (CCA) ) announced today the film category nominees for the 27th Annual Critics Choice Awards. The winners will be revealed...
***This article originally appeared in the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)***
With no magical crystal ball available and lacking the ability to...
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