Disney's feature-film adaptation of Marvel's superhero property Big Hero 6 posted the studio's second-biggest box office opening weekend of the year in Japan —...
Sonic Boom, a new CG-animated series starring video-game icon Sonic the Hedgehog, is being coproduced by Sega of America and OuiDO! Productions as part...
D3Publisher and Cartoon Network Enterprises' new game Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! is now available for the Wii U system...
D3Publisher and Cartoon Network Enterprises announced the development of three new video games based on popular Cartoon Network animated shows.
This fall, fans will...
D3Publisher has announced it will be bringing DreamWorks Animation’s new CG caveperson family to the videogame world with The Croods: Prehistoric Party! for Nintento’s...
Dream Defenders Adventure from Tiny Island Productions, Singapore’s first 3-D stereoscopic animated series, has landed in North America thanks to 3net, a U.S.-based 3-D...
Dedicated Poké-masters playing the Black and White versions of the popular critter-collecting game will get the Pokémon of their dreams—and give their opponents nightmares—when...
Transformers Prime, the hit Hasbro Studios animated TV series, is morphing into a video game.
Activision has signed on to the project, which the company...
Cinedigm Digital Cinema has announced that it will release Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom in 300 digital theaters across the U.S. in December....
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