Estonian director Priit Tender’s animated short Dog Apartment is one of 15 titles that landed on the Academy Awards’ Best Animated Short shortlist this...
The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) is returning to in-person celebration of all things toon this month, running online from February 13-15 before...
The Netherlands' energetic, artistic and not-to-be-missed animation event Kaboom Festival is ready to present another exciting program for its hybrid 2022 event, themed "Myths...
Animation Magazine's European correspondent Peter Schavemaker recently spoke to Vassilis C. Karamitsanis (president of ASIFA Hellas - Hellenic Animation Association and Animasyros International Animation...
Enchanting European co-production Captain Morten and the Spider Queen -- directed by Kaspar Jancis -- is ready to pull home viewers into its stop-motion...
Estonia Announces First Batch of Animation Grants for 2018
The national film institute at Tallinn has allotted 214,000 EUR ($260K USD) to artists and studios...
Cardiff Animation Festival has announced its full schedule for the 2018 edition, running April 19-22. In addition to previously announced highlights, the program has...
Last week, over 900 international animation producers, directors, distributors, sales agents from 41 different countries gathered in Bordeaux for the 20th edition of the...
Expotoons, the annual Argentine animation festival has announced its list of 2012 winners in feature films, shorts, commercials, TV series and graduation short categories....
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