Teen Titans Go!, the longest-running animated series in DC history, is celebrating its 400th episode with a special global roll out across Cartoon Network on...
Nickelodeon’s Max & the Midknights creator, voice cast and co-executive producers gave fans at New York Comic Con a first-look at the new CG-animated series, which...
Nickelodeon treated fans to an exclusive SpongeBob SquarePants panel at New York Comic Con 2024, revisiting the brand's origins and revealing what’s ahead for...
Today at New York Comic Con, Disney Branded Television officially revealed the voice cast for the highly anticipated new season of Phineas and Ferb....
Crunchyroll is planning an anime-filled return to New York Comic Con, with a slate of panels celebrating long-running, fan-favorite series and all-new anime coming...
Having just premiered Season 6 of its Emmy Award-winning animated fantasy-adventure The Dragon Prince on Netflix, Wonderstorm is expanding the franchise's transmedia footprint with The...
Lion Forge Entertainment announced today it has set a first-look deal with award-winning Nigerian creator and producer Roye Okupe, founder of YouNeek Studios and...
HIDIVE and IFC Films today debuted the English-language trailer and dub voice cast for the critically acclaimed romantic fantasy The Tunnel to Summer, the...
Hulu has debuted the teaser trailer for its imminently arriving, blood-drenched action-fantasy Undead Unluck, which premieres as part of the Animayhem collection this Friday, October...
HIDIVE, AMC Networks’ anime streaming service, and IFC Films announced today their U.S. theatrical release for the critically acclaimed anime film The Tunnel to...
Crunchyroll today revealed the details of the top-secret special screening of My Hero Academia teased in its New York Comic Con schedule. The Big Apple pop...
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