A new 2D-animated series that aims to demonstrate problem-solving skills and the benefits of collaboration, Lyla in the Loop, is preparing for its big PBS...
Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Pictures Television – Kids, together with Leo Messi Management, today announced that they are teaming for the first time...
Toronto-based independent entertainment co. Boat Rocker (boatrocker.com) is sending its preschool hit Dino Ranch across the pond, having been lassoed by U.K. free-to-air broadcaster...
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) announced the winners of the 48th Annual Daytime Emmy® Awards Children's & Animation categories on...
Leading global kids' entertainment company Sinking Ship Entertainment (Odd Squad, Dino Dana) and international entertainment production company Scott Brothers Entertainment (Property Brothers: Forever Home,...
Fred Rogers Productions, the award-winning children's entertainment company behind the much-loved, Emmy Award-winning PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Odd Squad and Peg +...
Fred Rogers Productions, the nonprofit children’s entertainment producer behind the Emmy Award-winning PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Odd Squad and Peg + Cat,...
Fred Rogers Productions, the celebrated nonprofit children’s entertainment producer behind the Emmy Award-winning PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Odd Squad and Peg +...
WATCH: Octopie Puts a Dark Twist on Pokemon in Fan Trailer
The End of Pokemon, produced by Adi Shankar, satirizes the hit entertainment franchise with...
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