International hit CG comedy series Oddbods has arrived on Netflix, with season one of the long-form version of the series available for streaming in...
One Animation, the Singapore-based CG animation studio behind award-winning TV series Oddbods and Insectibles, has made two key hires to its international licensing and...
VIDEO: New ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ Trailer
Chris Pratt unveiled the new spot on Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday night, revealing a brand-new character:...
Global brand licensing agency Brandgenuity has been appointed by One Animation as the licensing agent for global hit animated series Oddbods in the US...
+ DreamWorks Animation’s Trolls will star in a retail campaign for Spanish retailer El Corte Ingles’ “8 Golden Days” promotion, through a collaboration with...
One Animation (Oddbods, Insectibles) announces that it is continuing its rapid expansion with the hiring of animation industry heavyweight and producer, John McKenna, as...
Licensing agency brand4rent has entered an agreement with White Ball animation studio in Saint Petersburg to promote and license the CG animated series The...
The quirky, crazy characters of One Animation's non-dialogue animated comedy Oddbods are proving a major hit in the U.K., according to the latest ratings...
DreamWorks Animation and France's Lagardere Active TV have inked a deal for free-to-air and basic pay-TV rights for the latter's kids and family channels...
Singapore-based One Animation has accomplished the launch of its award-winning CG comedy shorts series Oddbods on key broadcasters stateside and in Europe. In the...
More than 36 new animated projects from producers in Australia, Malaysia, Korea and Singapore will be presented at the first annual Asian Animation Summit...
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