French toon powerhouse Xilam Animation is developing a new, younger-skewing take on its iconic property Oggy and the Cockroaches with the original preschool comedy...
Paris-based Xilam Animation is boosting its reach in Latin America through a significant package deal with TC Ecuador. The Ecuadorian public broadcaster has picked...
Award-winning French animation studio Xilam Animation has appointed Safaa Benazzouz to the position of SVP Media Sales Distribution for Latin America, Middle East, Africa...
**This article originally appeared in the March '19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 288)***
The logistics at Cartoon Movie make it impossible to catch all...
French indie producer-distributor Xilam Animation has hit 10 billion total views on YouTube, reaching the milestone on December 31, 2018. This achievement capped off...
Gaumont's hot new animated series Furiki Wheels is one of the projects officially selected for competition at the 2018 Annecy Festival. The show which debuted...
Turner's children's brands in Asia Pacific -- Cartoon Network, Boomerang, POGO and Toonami -- combined forces over the last year to create the region's...
Paris-based animation producer Xilam has crunched its digital distribution numbers, and has found that its shows are performing exceptionally well with viewers worldwide --...
Xilam Studio and France's No. 1 kids' broadcasting group Lagardere Active (including channels Gulli, Canal J and TiJi) announce ahead of MIPTV an exclusive...
French animation studio Xilam (Oggy and the Cockroaches) has announced plans to expand its operations with a new production facility in Lyon, opening next...
+ The U.K.'s Novel Entertainment is once again participating in ITV's Text Santa charity campaign, this year with its lovable troublemaker Horrid Henry. Activities...
Ever since its debut in 1999, French studio Xilam’s high-energy animated series Oggy and the Cockroaches has been an audience favorite in many regions...
Nine animated features from around the world will be competing for the prestigious Cristal Award at the Annecy Animation Festival this June.
The features, as...
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