With the popularity of animated content booming worldwide, a new animated series titled Arctic Friends Shorts Collection -- a spinoff from the popular feature...
Academy’s Oscar Week Events Revealed
Celebrate the nominated films and filmmakers of the Animated Short Film (and Live Action) race at the Shorts screening and...
‘Arctic Dogs’ Official Trailer
Swifty the Arctic Fox (Jeremy Renner) works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service but dreams of one day...
Firefly Brand Management has been appointed the exclusive global licensing agency for upcoming CG-animated feature Arctic Justice. The movie features the voices of Jeremy...
Two-time Academy Award nominated actor Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker, The Avengers, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol) has signed on to voice the lead...
Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi’s AMBI Group has formed a joint venture partnership with Ayman Jamal’s Dubai-based animation and vfx house Barajoun Entertainment to...
Universal and Legendary Pictures have released the official trailer for executive producer Steven Spielberg's long-awaited return to the world of inadvisable genetics research, Jurassic...
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