Crunchyroll will distribute Toei Animation's upcoming movie One Piece Film Red in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand this fall. The 15th film...
Netflix has unveiled its lineup of new series, season and movie premieres throughout June, and despite the gloomy reports of canceled projects, there are still...
Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt's adult stop-mo comedy M.O.D.O.K. has been canceled by Hulu after one season, Deadline reports. The irreverent supervillain series was...
Japan's Toei Animation announced Friday that the highly anticipated feature film Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will not make its domestic April 22 release...
Netflix, Tomorrow Studios and Shueisha have revealed new additions to the cast of its previously announced live-action One Piece series (, based on smash-hit...
French distributor Superights ( announced a raft of sales for its animated series catalog in Asian territories:
In Japan, agregator Me Interactive has picked-up...
In this edition: Major deals for Cyber Group Studios, BBC Launches two kids' FAST channels in U.S., Attack on Titan drives anime streamer subscription...
Anime fans are voicing their dismay with Toei Animation and support for YouTuber Totally Not Mark, who has over 600,000 subscribers, as his story of...
In advance of One Piece’s 1,000th episode (“1000 LOGS”) this weekend, Toei Animation in Japan released special anniversary artwork featuring Monkey D. Luffy. Fans...
Crunchyroll, the global anime brand, is announcing nearly 30 series today as part of the upcoming anime season including Platinum End, Crunchyroll and Adult...
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