Portfolio Entertainment’s Distribution Division has secured a new round of global sales for its action-packed animated series Hero Elementary: Discovery Kids Latin America has...
Florida-based J2911 Media has inked an exclusive deal with Costa Rica’s Studio Flex for the worldwide distribution of dialogue-free 2D comedy series Outopus (52...
Ahead of its first outing to MIP Cancun (Nov. 15-17, www.mipcancun.com), Monster Entertainment has closed a deal with US media corp Olympusat which will...
Co-pro partners Cartoon Saloon, Dog Ears and Penguin Random House and international distributor Superights have secured a new overseas nest for preschool toon Puffin...
AmebaTV has inked a deal with Ireland's Monster Entertainment that will bring an extensive selection of its internationally popular animated kids' content to the...
+ Costa Rican indie Rocket Cartoons will launch three new shows at MIP Junior through distribution partners Monster Entertainment (Ireland) and Awol Animation (France)....
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