ABC News Studios announced today Disney 100: A Century of Dreams – A Special Edition of 20/20, the special event commemorating the entertainment giant's...
Animation Is Film (AIF) has announced the lineup for the 6th edition of its animated cinema festival, featuring a slate of theatrical presentations, special...
Disney+ announced today that the original documentary film Howard will premiere exclusively on the service on Friday, August 7. The film, which first premiered...
Classic animation The Little Mermaid is marking its 30th anniversary with a new Walt Disney Signature Collection release, featuring all-new bonus features and a...
Filmmakers from Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios convened at D23 Expo 2017 on Friday, revealing new details about their upcoming movie slates and...
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of its Best Picture Oscar-nominated animated feature Beauty and the Beast, Disney is not only preparing a lovely...
Walt Disney will celebrate the quarter-century mark for its widely acclaimed animated classic Beauty and the Beast with a special 25th anniversary home entertainment...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences invites the community to “Be Our Guest” to its 25th anniversary celebration of Disney Animation classic...
24-year-old British actress Emma Watson has been cast as leading lady Belle in Disney’s upcoming live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, which is...
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