Paramount Animation and Hasbro Entertainment’s $75 million production Transformers One opened to $39M at the global box office. Audiences awarded the franchise's first-ever fully CG-animated...
Sentient robots in disguise are stomping into theaters this fall with Transformers One. Billed as the first all-CG-animated Transformers movie, the Paramount release tells...
The match-up nobody saw coming is hitting the field in Transformers One: Robots in Jerseys, a new action figure adventure released today. The stop-motion and...
VIEW Conference organizers have announced that Ramsey Naito, Oscar-nominated producer of The Boss Baby and president of Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation, will receive this year’s VIEW...
Paramount Animation (The SpongeBob Move: Sponge on the Run, Transformers One, The Smurfs Movie) is reportedly working on an original animated comedy feature with...
Something's coming…
Autobot fans are preparing to boot up a brand-new, fully-animated adventure on the big screen when Transformers One blasts into theaters on September...
VIEW Conference 2024 has announced an array of sessions showcasing the creative talent behind The Wild Robot, the upcoming animated feature from DreamWorks Animation....
The fully-animated next chapter in the Cybertron saga is revving up for San Diego Comic-Con, where Paramount Animation and Hasbro Entertainment will present a...
Paramount Animation kicked off the Annecy Festival with a bang, announcing five new feature film projects in development with top bill talent. Ramsey Naito,...
WIA (Women in Animation) has announced the lineup for this year’s WIA World Summit at the Annecy International Animation Festival and Mifa 2024. This...
The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
During Paramount Pictures' buzzy and busy CinemaCon presentation, the studio announced the star-powered voice cast behind its upcoming fully-animated The Smurfs movie, slated to hit...
Paramount+ today unleashed a new clip from The Tiger's Apprentice, the animated family adventure based on the book by Laurence Yep. Featuring a stellar voice...
Paramount+ today released the official trailer, key art and new images for The Tiger's Apprentice, the star-studded animated family film that will premiere on the...
Paramount+ today announced that the service’s next original movie -- the star-studded animated family film The Tiger's Apprentice -- will premiere on the service Friday,...
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