Mikey, Donnie, Leo and Raph are heading shell for leather towards home video, with the acclaimed animated feature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem set to...
Oh, gee whiz, fellers! Cable's longest-running scripted series returns to home entertainment shelves this summer with the Butters-tastic new South Park: Seasons 21-25 Collection on...
Paramount+ and Paramount Home Entertainment today announced that the global hit movie Sonic the Hedgehog 2, from Paramount Pictures, will be available to stream...
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the seminal animated slacker film that changed the landscape of American cinema when Beavis and Butt-head Do America arrives...
Get ready for paw-some action and a pup-tastic adventure when PAW Patrol: The Movie from Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies and Spin Master Entertainment, becomes...
Nickelodeon’s critically-acclaimed, Emmy Award-winning series receives the SteelBook treatment as Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Complete Series Blu-ray 15th Anniversary Limited Edition Steelbook...
Nickelodeon has greenlit a second 20-episode season of its hit animated preschool series Shimmer and Shine. New season one episodes will continue to air...
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