Santiago-based animation studio Punkrobot is ready to pounce on the theatrical feature film market, debuting the teaser for its first-ever full-length movie, Brave Cat. The...
Three of the most successful studios in Latin America announce a coalition based on a shared production pipeline, to be dubbed “Los Amigos.” Brazil’s...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have revealed the titles nominated in the nine categories of its second edition, which will be held on April...
Oscar-winning Coco director Lee Unkrich talked frankly about the new culture at Pixar, and his gratitude towards the people and culture of Mexico at...
Hollywood's most prestigious awards finally took place Sunday night, as the 88th Annual Academy Awards welcomed the glitterati back once more to celebrate outstanding...
For over 10 years, ShortsHD has been bringing the Oscar nominated short films in the Animation, Live Action and Documentary categories to audiences across...
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