TV animation writer and WGAW Animation Writers Caucus Chair Craig Miller (The Smurfs, Curious George, Pocket Dragon Adventures) will receive the Writers Guild of...
Late comic book co-creator of Marvel’s Wolverine and DC’s Swamp Thing and animation writer Len Wein will receive the Writers Guild of America West’s...
The Writers Guild of America has announced the nominations for outstanding achievement in television, new media, news, radio, promotional writing and graphic animation for...
Veteran television writer-producer Sam Simon, who co-developed Fox's long-running animated series The Simpsons and has been a writer, producer, and director on Taxi, Cheers,...
Former Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) president and Emmy and WGA Award-winning writer Patric M. Verrone will receive the WGAW’s 2012 Morgan Cox...
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