Global animation veterans look forward to the annual Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France, as much as they anticipate the arrival of spring. This...
Cartoon Movie, the co-production and pitching event for European animated feature films, has revealed the 55 projects selected to participate in the next edition, taking...
The César Awards, the French equivalent of the Oscars, were handed out tonight (Feb. 25) during a star-studded in-person ceremony at the Olympia concert...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival (Feb. 25 - March 6;, taking place live at the Flagey and Palace as well as...
The French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) will celebrate the fifth anniversary of Animation First this year: the only film festival in the U.S. dedicated...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Treacherous and historic alpinism has fascinated both documentary filmmakers and fiction...
Animation Is Film (AIF) announced the winners of its fourth annual film festival today with the feature film Flee (Denmark), written and directed by...
Netflix has unpacked the official trailer and key art for The Summit of the Gods, the critically acclaimed 2D animated feature from César Award-winning...
Animation Is Film (AIF) announced today the competition line-up and other special events for its fourth edition, which takes place in-person October 22-24 and...
Another compelling animated feature import is joining the Netflix pantheon, as the streaming giant announces the acquisition of Cannes Film Festival 2021 Official Selection...
GKIDS' latest acquisition, Belle, from acclaimed filmmaker Mamoru Hosoda (The Boy and the Beast, Wolf Children, Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time)...
Patrick Imbert's much-anticipated animated feature The Summit of the Gods (Le sommet des dieux) which was originally slated to premiere at the 2020 edition...
GKIDS and StudioCanal have announced a raft of talented critters from the British comedy scene have joined the English-language voice cast of French animated...
An eclectic group of animated shorts and features received special prizes at the 2018 Annecy Animation Festival today. Boris Labbé’s La Chute, Lucia Bulgerhoni’s...
French animation company Folivari is launching a new studio called Fost Studio, it was announced at Annecy this week. Co-founded by Folivari’s Didier Brunner,...
The 20th edition of Cartoon Movie, the annual European feature animation industry event, held in Bordeaux, France came to a close today (March 9th) with...
Celebrated creative minds and experienced executives from the global industry will be assembling in South Africa next month, when Animation SA presents the seventh...
This year’s César Award nominees are a clear indication that French artists and studios continue to deliver thought-provoking, artistic feature and shorts. The 43rd...
Benjamin Renner and Patrick Imbert’s hand-drawn feature The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales offers plenty of visual delights and slapstick humor.
Five years ago,...
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