One of the most critically celebrated and longest-running animated series in Adult Swim history, The Venture Bros. will be making its U.S. Netflix debut on August...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today released the official trailer and key art for Baby Shark's Big Movie, the first-ever feature-length original animated movie...
The highly anticipated release of the new feature-length Adult Swim adventure The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart draws ever nearer! Warner...
Fans can return to the outrageous Adult Swim world of heroes and villains earlier than expected, as Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment announces that...
Fans of Hank, Dean, Brock and the Doc got their first glimpse at the highly anticipated new feature-length Venture Bros. adventure today, as the first...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today announced the celebrity voice cast for Baby Shark's Big Movie! and revealed new teaser art for the preschool...
Prepare for thrilling adventure, bizarre baddies and dynamite familial dysfunction! For the first time ever, all episodes from Adult Swim's award-winning original adult animated...
Paramount+ today announced Baby Shark's Big Movie! (working title), the first-ever feature-length original animated film based on the globally beloved preschool property, is set...
Teen Titans Go! is taking over Cartoon Network this month with all new adventures featuring the fan-favorite teen superheroes, the King of Atlantis and the DC...
Nickelodeon's fin-credible world of Baby Shark is getting bigger with the development of a brand-new original animated movie and season two pickup of its...
Nickelodeon has announced the voice cast for its highly anticipated new preschool series Baby Shark’s Big Show!, which will premiere with an original holiday...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
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