Over the past 12 months, we lost many talented, brilliant women and men who devoted their lives to creating animated and VFX-driven projects through...
After a record-breaking submissions period, the Fredrikstad Animation Festival has announced the competition program selections for its Nordic-Baltic animated short film program. The 2021...
Organizers of Slovakia's Fest Anča International Animation Festival have announced the official film selections for the 14th edition, taking place July 1-4. The festival...
After viewing over 1,400 brand new films, the selection team for the Anima Festival (taking place from February 12-21), has finally decided and chosen...
Since 2007, the headquarters of ANIMA, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival (March 1-10), has been the Flagey building. However, decentralization programs in Flanders...
Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival has announced the complete short film lineup for its 2019 event, which runs February 22-March 17 at...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), North America’s leading animation film festival announced the winners of its 2018 competition today at an awards ceremony...
The organizers for the 2016 GLAS Animation Festival -- taking place March 3-6 in Berkeley, California -- have completed the official selection film list....
This year's Grand Prizes went to Sarina Nihei's Small People With Hats won Best Independent Short Animation, and Patrick McHale's Over The Garden Wall...
Phil Mulloy’s The Banker, Jean-Francois Laguionie’s Le Tableau (The Painting) and Don Hertzfeldt’s latest short It’s Such a Beautiful Day are part of the...
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