In the new Warner Bros. movie Wonka, director Paul King (Paddington) offers an origin story for the eccentric chocolatier introduced in Roald Dahl’s classic...
The darling, duffle-coated bear created by Michael Bond is returning to the big screen for more live-action/animation hybrid adventures with the Brown family! The...
The 2018 British Academy Children's Awards were held Sunday night, celebrating the best in live-action and animated content for young audiences in the U.K....
The nominees have been revealed for the 2018 British Academy Children’s Awards, celebrating the best in live-action and animated content for young audiences in...
The critically acclaimed hybrid family flick Paddington 2 will soon be available to home audiences, with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment set to release the...
Deadline reports that StudioCanal’s charming family sequel Paddington 2 has been snatched up for US distribution by Warner Bros., following a scramble to find...
StudioCanal's live-action/CG-animated feature Paddington 2 enjoyed a great opening box office in the U.K, beating heavy-hitters such as Murder on the Orient Express and...
The Amazing World of Gumball, Minions and Gravity Falls were among the big animation category winners at the BAFTA Children's Awards, presented Nov. 22...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, has revealed the nominees for its British Academy Children’s Awards, taking place in London...
While Clint Eastwood's American Sniper dominated the weekend box office, taking in about $89.5 million, the CG-hybrid flick Paddington from Paul King (Bunny and...
Big, fuzzy news from across the pond: The first trailer for Paul King's (The Mighty Boosh) CG feature adaptation of Paddington Bear has arrived!
Oscar-winning visual effects and multiplatform content company, Framestore has opened a new office in Montreal. The Canadian studio is the fourth link in Framestore's...
David Heyman, the producer behind Harry Potter’s big screen outings, will be guiding another Brit kids lit classic by bringing Paddington Bear to theaters,...
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