Ollie, his two best friends and an otherworldly backpack embark on monstrous adventures with the premiere of Nickelodeon's original action-comedy series Ollie's Pack, on...
The nominees for the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards were announced today in 141 film, television, and digital media categories by the Academy of Canadian...
Entertainment One (eOne) announced that The Walt Disney Company Southeast Asia and Bravokids have both acquired the exclusive pay TV broadcast rights to season...
Entertainment One (eOne) has confirmed that a second season of original animated comedy Cupcake & Dino: General Services will be packaged for Netflix streaming....
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have revealed the titles nominated in the nine categories of its second edition, which will be held on April...
Producer-distributor Kid Glove, lead by industry veteran Brenda Wooding, has sold broadcast rights for new animated series Oswaldo around the globe, to Cartoon Network...
Entertainment One’s new original animated kids’ comedy series Cupcake & Dino: General Services, created by Pedro Eboli, will debut in Brazil on Netflix on...
Children’s and family entertainment company Kid Glove, founder Brenda Wooding and award-winning author, illustrator and animation creator/co-director James Proimos have teamed up to produce...
In a first ever co-production team-up for an animated series between Brazil and India, São Paulo-based Birdo Studio and Symbiosys Entertainment announced that they...
Nickelodeon has whittled the nearly 600 submissions from around the world for its 2014 Global Animated Shorts Program down to eight finalists. This is...
Nickelodeon, which has a 30 year tradition of bringing groundbreaking toons to TV, has announced its programming slate for 2014-15 -- which will include...
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