Following its presentation at the opening of Cartoon Forum in Toulouse, La Cabane and Thuristar (Mush-Mush and the Mushables, Luce and the Rock) have...
Animation production companies La Cabane (France) and Thuristar (Belgium) will be introducing the international animation community to their first original television special, A Lamb's Stew...
Ahead of the Annecy International Animated Film Market (MIFA), Paris-based La Cabane announces the development of the animated series Luce in the Lovely Land...
The studios behind International Emmy Award-nominated hit series Mush-Mush & the Mushables -- which has sold in over 150 territories -- as well as the...
Leading kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE, France’s La Cabane and Belgium’s Thuristar have announced a deal with Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA for Season 2 of...
London-based kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE, France’s La Cabane and Belgium’s Thuristar have announced the launch of Mush-Mush & the Mushables. The CGI comedy adventure...
Kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE as inked a deal with Turner’s Boomerang for Mush-Mush and the Mushables, an original 52 x 11’ CGI comedy-adventure produced...
France's La Cabane Productions and Belgium's Thuristar are planning to put the "fun" in "fungi" with a new CG animated comedy-adventure, Mush-Mush and the...
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