Over the past 12 months, we lost many talented, brilliant women and men who devoted their lives to creating animated and VFX-driven projects through...
Pete Kozachik, the Oscar-nominated visual effects supervisor of The Nightmare Before Christmas and accomplished stop-motion animator and cinematographer on several Tim Burton and Henry...
Athena Studios of Emeryville, California announces that its original stop-motion animated short Mermaids on Mars was awarded the Best Animation honors at the 2015...
Athena Studios has signed Nate Hopper as co-producer of its in-development stop-motion animation feature film Auntie Claus.
Hopper was previously the senior VP of creative...
Athena Studios has begun production on a new, stop-motion animated short film titled Mermaids on Mars.
Jon V. Peters, founder of the Emeryville, Calif.-based studio,...
Emeryville, Calif.-based Athena Studios announced today that it is producing a stop-motion animated feature based on Elise Primavera's book Auntie Claus.
The announcement was made...
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