Netflix's Emmy-winning adult animated comedy Big Mouth returns for a sixth season probing the terrifying depths of adolescence on October 28, and there are some new...
The darling, duffle-coated bear created by Michael Bond is returning to the big screen for more live-action/animation hybrid adventures with the Brown family! The...
This unpredictable year has led to all-new ways for fans to virtually engage with festivals, conventions and events around the world from the comfort...
BBC has unveiled first-look images for its CG animated Watership Down miniseries, and revealed additional high-profile voice cast members. Described as an “innovative interpretation”...
A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard's classic characters are returning to the big screen in the heartwarming family adventure Christopher Robin -- a live-action hybrid...
Animation Shares Untold Stories of Congo’s Girl Soldiers
Working with designers PositiveNegatives and DRC-based illustrator Rodriguez Mungulirwa, Child Soldiers International’s What the Girls Say: The...
The critically acclaimed hybrid family flick Paddington 2 will soon be available to home audiences, with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment set to release the...
Deadline reports that StudioCanal’s charming family sequel Paddington 2 has been snatched up for US distribution by Warner Bros., following a scramble to find...
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