During a ceremony on Thursday, November 25 hosted by Festival Director Steve Henderson, Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) unveiled the winners of the 2021 Industry...
After a record-breaking submissions period, the Fredrikstad Animation Festival has announced the competition program selections for its Nordic-Baltic animated short film program. The 2021...
The 20th edition of Norway's Fredrikstad Animation Festival wrapped up its first hybrid event on Sunday, which this year added a digital extension reaching...
Yowza Digital, Creating4Kids and SupperTime Entertainment have joined forces to deliver a new animated preschool series based on the popular Impossimals characters created by...
L.A.-based SupperTime Entertainment (ToddWorld) and Ireland’s Telegael (Teenage Fairytale Dropouts, Chloe’s Closet) are developing a new preschool animated series based on Peter and Jayne...
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