Following the longlist announcement earlier this month, final nominees for the 2024 EE BAFTA Film Awards were announced during a livestream hosted by Naomi...
Max today announced that the full 10-episode second season of the Max Original animated series Clone High debuts Thursday, February 1 on the platform....
Miles Morales and the multidimensional spider-crew are ready to swing to home video this summer, when Sony Pictures Home Entertainment releases Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse...
This Spider’s got legs! Easily swinging past the milestone $500 million worldwide mark after Tuesday’s global ticket sales were accounted for, Spider-Man: Across the...
Throughout his legendary career, Stan Lee, Spider-Man’s iconic co-creator, frequently cited the character’s ability to transcend race and culture as the primary key to...
Web-heads, superhero movie buffs and animation lovers are getting excited for the summer release of Sony Pictures Animation's Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse! Brooklyn's full-time,...
Fans of cult-hit animated comedy Clone High, created by blockbuster hitmakers Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The LEGO Movie,...
Sony Pictures today unveiled a new, official trailer for the highly anticipated sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, giving fans a look at the emotional tension...
In case you weren't already sufficiently excited about Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, two new images debuted by Empire magazine these weekend are sure to kick your...
Sony Pictures Animation has widened the portal into the Spider-Verse with the new official trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the highly anticipated sequel to...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
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