Following the departure of the subsidiary's founders Lionel Fages and Majid Loukil, Xilam Animation has upped Cécile Hergaux-Essame to the position of General Manager...
DNEG, a leading visual effects (VFX) and animation studio for the creation of feature film, television and multiplatform content, announced the promotion of Tom...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 395 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
This month, we had a chance to chat with Sarah Smith and Julie Lockhart, founders of London-based Locksmith Animation, which specializes in making CG-animated...
UK studio Locksmith Animation has officially opened its London facility with a celebration toasting founders Sarah Smith (director, Arthur Christmas), Julie Lockhart (producer, Shaun...
Having last month announced a multi-year production partnership, 20th Century Fox and U.K.-based CG shop Locksmith Animation have announced their first joint project will...
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