Disney Channel is kicking off the new year with a bright, fast-moving and utterly entertaining show titled StuGo. Created by Ryan Gillis (The Wonderful...
Duolingo today announced that veteran children's television executive Linda Simensky has joined the company as Head of Animation and Scripted Content. In the newly...
NBCUniversal streamer Peacock is feathering its kids' content nest in November, with the premieres of Poppy's latest music-fueled experiment in DreamWorks' TrollsTopia and the...
Netflix is expanding its relationship with Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen with a new animated comedy series, Captain Fall. The show will follow...
Hulu announced that it will premiere several new DreamWorks animated titles at the TV Critics Association press event today. As a new streaming home...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to build steam for its original animation train, confirming a raft of original features and series this week. For a...
Hoooooo-oh my gosh! Warner Bros. Animation is bringing back the baddy-busting feline icons of ‘80s TV with a new Cartoon Network series, ThunderCats Roar!...
Frederator is building its highly prized digital catalog by commissioning several new, original series for its Cartoon Hangover Select channel (available on Ellation’s VRV),...
There’s a whole lot of pink sparkle coming to Cartoon Network’s Friday lineup this month. That’s because Warner Bros. Animation has delivered the awesome...
Disney XD and Walt Disney Imagineering have teamed up with renowned stop-motion house Stoopid Buddy Stoodios for four uniquely Halloweeny spot that send favorite...
Disney XD will debut a new 22-minute compilation special with the whopping title LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled! on Monday, November 16 at...
Teen boys’ authentic relationship grounds the lunacy in Disney XD’s new series Pickle and Peanut.
When Disney gave the green light last year to Pickle...
Disney XD will premiere Pickle and Peanut -- an animated buddy comedy following the offbeat adventures of teen pals/food items -- on Monday, September...
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